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Praise & Prayer

Praise the Lord for marvelous opportunities to share His message through the Puppet Ministry! Praise the Lord for showing us some fruit of the Puppet Ministry (new people coming to church because of the puppets, believers being encouraged to trust God more). Pray for...

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Current Ministry

Since leaving Caborachi, I have been located in Chihuahua City. My ministry has changed 4 times during the past 6 years. Most recently I have resumed Tarahumara language study, still with hopes of helping with the translation of the Scriptures. Four years ago the Lord...

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By God's grace, I was born in a Christian home and grew up attending a Bible Church. When I was about 4 or 5 years old in Children's Church, the Lord convicted me of my sin (disobeying my mom and stealing a cookie!) and my need for Christ Jesus' sacrifice to pay for...

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Previous Missionary History

Missionary Schooling and Training From high school, I went to Grand Rapids School of the Bible & Music to major in Missions. One of the most influential courses I took was Church Planting. The Lord had already given me the desire to work with remote people groups,...

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