About Indian Bible College
Indian Bible College is a nondenominational, evangelical college with an independent board of directors. It…
Home > About Indian Bible College

ibc01Indian Bible College is a nondenominational, evangelical college with an independent board of directors. It was established in 1958. Since its inception, Southwestern School of Missions/Indian Bible College has sought to train native men and women for ministry as well as to prepare missionaries to native peoples.

Our goal is to provide excellence in education with Christ as the foundation for Christian Native Americans. We strive to prepare men and women to live intentional, faithful, and mature Christian lives in whatever vocation God leads them, whether in urban or reservation settings.

The vision of Indian Bible College is that we might be:

the premier indigenous leadership training organization for Christian peoples of North America by providing quality education at an affordable cost. The ultimate goal of the school is to fill the void of Evangelical indigenous leadership in both Christian and secular vocations, helping the Native church cease to be the mission field and rise to fulfill its potential as a mighty missionary-sending church.