June 2018
Home > June 2018

Dear family and friends,

“You thought God was to hear and answer you by making everything straight and pleasant – not so are nations or churches or men and women born; not so is character made. God is answering your prayers in His way.” Missionary Mary Slessor, Mary Slessor of Calabar (1917)

Greetings in the name of Jesus! We are thankful for all the things we see God is doing and has done in the past month. I’ll share a few of those with you that you can rejoice and thank the Lord with us.

In the month of May, Brad and I traveled up to Maryland. We had a number of goals for our trip, all of which were accomplished. We connected with 4 of our supporting churches. We had visits with many friends in the local area (within 1 ½ hours) of where we were staying in Hancock, Maryland. We spent time with family, including Brad’s parents, middle brother from upstate New York, and next youngest brother from south eastern Pennsylvania. Brad, Chris, and Alvin spent time together cutting and splitting firewood. Of course there were also relaxing times. 🙂  Going to church on Mother’s Day with Brad’s mom was an enjoyable experience. After traveling about 3,000 miles, it was good to settle back into our jobs here at NTM Homes.

While we were away, Melissa filled in for Brad in the finance office. Melissa works full time in our mission’s home office. Brad has trained her to cover for him while he is away. He documented many of his responsibilities, including step by step procedures to follow for each tasks involved. Melissa’s willingness to help out in this way is an answer to prayer.

As you know, we asked you to pray for more staff here at the retirement homes and Assisted Living Facility of New Tribes Mission (now called Ethnos 360). We have not added any full time staff members, but we have gotten some help. Lee moved to Florida with her husband and lives about a 40 minute drive from Sanford. After finding us on the internet, Lee went through all the steps necessary to serve as a volunteer here. She has experience in the nursing field. Lee comes and volunteers every Wednesday. She is helping on the housekeeping team. This is an answer to prayer.

James is a pastor in the local area. He also has gone through the steps to be a volunteer. James is gifted in the area of mechanics. He has been volunteering two days a week and has already been a blessing to me. I put in a repair notice for a Bissel spot cleaning machine. James used parts from an old broken machine and fixed my newer machine. Now I can go back to using it to clean recliners or spots on the carpet in the dining room or a resident room. James has been a help to me and I know that he has been to others as well. James is an answer to prayer.

Dora is the third person who is going to be helping out around here. Jim and Dora moved here from Wisconsin a few months ago. They were on staff at our Bible Institute. They came to help out with Jim’s aging parents who are now living in our Assisted Living Facility (ALF). Dora is a nurse. She will be assisting our nursing staff. Dora is an answer to prayer.  Lee, James and Dora saw needs and are willing to serve the Lord by helping at NTM Homes. Thanks for praying!

In May an older couple (in their 90’s) moved into an empty room in the independent wing of our Latham Center. Keith and Myrtle are adjusting to the move from their duplex (where they lived independently) to their new residence. I spent hours getting their new living quarters clean and ready for them to move into. Myrtle is so glad to be coming to the dining room for their meals. Our cooks do a great job providing 3 meals a day for the 28 folks who live in the building. I just completed getting the other empty room cleaned and ready for Rosalie. She hopes to complete her move in a couple of weeks.


  • Safety for all the miles we traveled last month.
  • Good times with family, friends and supporters (churches and individuals).
  • Melissa, Lee, James, and Dora. Each one is a blessing.
  • For this wonderful facility for our retired missionaries.

“God is answering your prayers in His way.”

By His grace,

Wanda (and Brad) Hull

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