Current Ministry- Agnews
Nathan with some children out at the Brickyard The Agnews began their ministry in Chihuahua,…
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Nathan with some children out at the Brickyard

Nathan with some children out at the Brickyard

The Agnews began their ministry in Chihuahua, Mexico in August of 2002. They have officially moved out of Spanish study and are in enjoying ministry in various areas. Rich is involved in community development which takes him out to the tribe regularly. He helps with both social projects in the tribal community and with projects for the tribal missionaries as well. When he is in the city, he is involved in maintenance for the office, school, guest house and dorms. A highlight of his city ministry involves bible study and discipleship out at a place called the Brickyard. It is a community of about 250 people whose main job is to make bricks. (You can view pictures of the Brickyard here.) Pam is the official field secretary and back up bookkeeper. She is also involved in leading the praise band at their local Mexican Church – Antioquia. They seek to share the gospel in Spanish with those that God places in their paths.